Thursday, October 9, 2008

August 13, 2008 A Bright Journey

I have begun a journey like no other road I have travelled. It's true that the word "cancer" changes your life forever. If you are receiving this, it is because first of all, I want to share the things God is teaching me, and secondly because I covet your prayers for strength.

I've spent the past six weeks meeting with doctors, studying my disease and weighing my options. One evening, early on, I was looking at a website offering a myriad of advice for cancer victims titled Crazy Sexy Cancer. It was full of self-help and "spiritual insights". It left me less than inspired. Then I googled “Christians with Cancer” and it led me to an article entitled "Don't waste your cancer", a piece written by John Piper. As I skimmed over the main points - cancer as a gift – the Spirit in me bubbled up with joy recognizing the hope and truth I was reading. I was transformed almost instantly out of the fear I’d felt. I know God is using this for His glory and I am sort of along for the ride.

I will share my adventure with you in the hopes of sharing some of His wisdom and my frailty. My treatment starts tomorrow and I’m actually excited! That has to be God!

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